Jobsite office trailers

Sacramento, CA Used Construction Office Trailers

-Construction Office Trailer Rentals
-Used Job Site Trailers
-Used Construction Office Trailers
-Finance Options


Construction Trailers in Sacramento, CA


Buy or Rent Preowned Portable Construction Offices and Job Site Trailers

US Construction Trailers is proud to offer cost-effective and affordable solutions on quality job site construction office trailers in Sacramento. Used, rental, or purchases, we can help! Full line of solutions for field offices, conference rooms, and other temporary office space needs.

USCT will help you find the right office trailer for your project and help you save as much as 30% with less time and effort. Our partners and affiliates can assist with lease and finance options on any size portable office solution. Mobile office are available with HVAC connections, phone-fax-internet, carpet, ramps and much more.

mobile office trailers quotes

Construction Offices in Sacramento – Buy or Rent

How much space do you require for your project? The below chart is a good estimate based on the number of occupants it will house.

Occupants Sq. Ft. Needed Trailer Size
1-2 200 Square Feet 8′ x 20′
2-3 300 Square Feet 8′ x 28′
3-4 400 Square Feet 10′ x 44′
4-6 550 Square Feet 10′ x 44′
5-6 675 Square Feet 12′ x 56′
7-10 900 – 1,300 Sq. Ft 24′ x 56′
11 + 1,500 Sq. Ft. + Request Quote

Office Trailer Solutions

8′ Wide Office Trailers: 10′ Foot Trailers 12′ Foot Trailers
8′ x 16′ 10′ x 36′ 12′ x 44′
8′ x 20′ 10′ x 44′ 12′ x 50′
8′ x 24′ 10′ x 50′ 12′ x 60
8′ x 32′ 10′ x 60 12′ x 64′


Construction Trailer Buying Advice

used construction trailersIn recent years, the construction industry raked in a yearly revenue of close to $50 billion, and this growth is poised to keep trending upward.

If you work in the construction business and want to have more of a handle on your own company, it’s important to acquire the right assets at a good price. Used construction trailers are an excellent piece of equipment to add to your arsenal for a number of reasons.

Below we’ll explore the benefits of these trailers, how they can be used, features, and so much more.

Why Construction Trailers in Sacramento are a Great Idea

So why are construction trailers a great idea for your business?

Two words — security and functionality.

These trailers let your Sacramento business store your equipment and tools when not in use, as opposed to leaving them lying in the open. The last thing you would want is to take a loss on your construction project due to theft or damage.

Functionality is in full swing with these trailers as well, since they can be used in a number of ways. In addition to storage, you can use these trailers for rest and recovery, meetings, construction planning, as a business headquarters, and even as temporary housing.

As you might imagine, each and every one of these uses comes in handy when you are putting together a construction project.

You’ll save lots of money when you buy used trailers since the price drops significantly once it has had one or more owners. It can help you find a deal and keep your overall budget low.

What’s more, buying these trailers at a good price pays off in the long run since you can re-use them for multiple projects.

The Many Features of Construction Trailers

Take the time to check around for the many different construction trailer features as well. For instance, they come with a number of security features, lighting, and decorative setups, technological inclusions, and eco-friendly settings.

You’ll be able to use the trailer how you see fit when you shop for the best available features for your needs.

Aside from extras and amenities, be sure that you purchase construction trailers that are of the right size specifications. Some examples of construction trailer sizes include 200 square feet, 350 square feet, 425 square feet, 550 square feet, 700 square feet, and more than 1,400 square feet.

Purchasing these trailers used can cost you between $20,000 and $50,000 and up depending on how big it is. There are also several rental agreements you can look into that can be tailored to your budget and needs.

Find a Deal on Used Construction Trailers in Sacramento

When you consider these tips, you’ll be in the driver’s seat when it comes to shopping around for used construction trailers in Sacramento.

Now that you see the benefits of having these trailers in the first place, it’s up to you to find the deal that will make the most sense for you. There are several companies you can buy from, so figure out what you need and do your homework.

Take some time to check out our inventory today.

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Office Trailers in Sacramento, CA